Monday, August 1, 2016

This New Army Wife Thing.

Hello wonderful people,

    So I am most likely the worst blogger on the planet since I rarely do it, however now  I have some time on my hands again I can get some done I suppose. As many people know I am moving to Alaska at some point ( at least I hope so). Austin has been there with out me living on base and doing his field training. Which has been pretty rough on both of us.  It is a weird feeling thinking I could leave to go up there in two weeks or so , but I am not holding my breath but I have been say good bye for the last 3 months. Since they seem to love to mess my paper work up and not put me on his orders ( I might be getting a little mad about that). In this long transition period I have been traveling around seeing all my friends and spending time with my families. Which was working pretty good to keep my mind off Austin being away. Now it is getting pretty bad again so I am trying to deal with all of this and keep my head up.  I know I need to be positive and think that things are all great,but they aren’t and I quit thinking positive about it. I would rather be ready for the worst and be surprised that things actually are going as planned. I know I am a little backwards in thinking I just need to do it so I don’t get my hopes up.
    I also have been reading other Amy wives blogs to see if I can get answers or some kind of help….. turns out I am NOT  A STEREOTYPICAL  ARMY WIFE.   For reference  A typical Army wife is also married to the Army, Loves the army, runs all the events on base or attends all of them, can be slightly gossipy, and some think the rank of the spouse is also there rank so they think they can rule over the rest of the spouses. Which none of that applies to me!!!!!  I mean not all of them are like that .  I like hanging with the boys anyways. I really only have a few girl friends that I can stand. Most women drive me nuts.
    I get asked a lot why I married Austin if I am not so in love with the Army. Truth is folks I married him because I love him and he is my best friend. I support him in what ever he does.  I don’t have to love it I just have to be ok with it. Honestly the Army has been his dream since I first met him. I know he is not the kind of guy that would just sit around in a desk , or do manual labor for the rest of his life. That is just not who he is at all.
    So I have came up with a acronym for myself  with the help of my fantastic mother in law Brenda . NSTAW ( Non-Stereotypical Army Wife). So apparently I need to find a friend when I get there like me because Brenda says I can’t just have  four legged friends. So I think I might just place an add some where when I get there and I think it will go something like this:

    Army wife 21  searching other Army spouse  who is a NSTAW who loves dogs, wine, adventures, being one of the guys, who doesn’t gossip and is a tom barbie.

    Hopefully I will find a friend who is like me or I am just getting a bunch of dogs because they are pretty much what I look for in a human friend minus the wine part. Plus I will actually be able to talk to Austin and hang out with him when he is off work so maybe just dogs and Austin will be all right.

Also I never really know how to end a blog so hope you guys have a great day!

Higgins/Hendricks Mgee

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