Thursday, August 4, 2016

Being alone can be ok.

Hey Everyone,

    I guess I have been writing lot of blogs this week it is kinda nuts. Posting two in one day hopefully is all right. I have been typing them up and publishing them when I have internet and time.  Well I have come to realize I am getting better at doing things by myself. I used to hate doing anything by myself, grocery shopping, eating somewhere, going cloths shopping, going to public places in general. Recently I have been doing more things with out other people and I feel pretty good about it. I still get anxiety a little bit not having a buddy but it is good to learn to be all right being alone. I feel like I am staring to understand myself more and getting to know myself again. My head has been cloudy this past year and I feel like I am growing and the sun is coming out again.
    This week I went to Reptile Gardens without anyone which was strange since I usually have someone from work come with me. So I went and I took pictures and it was really strange I had time to stop and enjoy the reptiles and animals. I wasn’t on anyone's schedule and could just relax. I went to a few of the shows and before the Gator wrestling show my mom called me. We talked for a few minutes about my day. I told her I was at Reptile Gardens by myself and she was like that's great that you are learning to do things by yourself. I guess I never realized that I was adjusting to it until we talked about it.  It is a crazy thing when you start understanding the things that cause you anxiety and you can slowly learn how to deal with them. I know that my anxiety about things will never  go away however learning to deal with it and growing.

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