Thursday, August 25, 2016

Slightly Exctied For Winter

Hello Lovely People,
So I have been pretty sick for about the past week. Yesterday my mom got me out of the house and I did a little shopping. Now all the cloths have gone from summer fun to fall and winter cute and comfy.  I mean I bought a cute vest for when the weather changes. Which hit me I am moving to a winter wonderland soon. I might not love winter for it is cold weather, freezing winds against my face, ice I tend to break limbs on and well it being dark all the time. However I love fall and winter cloths. It is my favorite time of year for clothing. I love wearing cute vets, tall boots,leggings ,giant sweaters and, hats. Plus I mean I love making snow men, snow angels, hot coco and playing board games by the fire. So I guess this is one plus side to moving to the far north. I am looking froward to a new winter wardrobe and some winter weather. I know school is just starting and it is still warm out but I am so ready for fall and winter. I have to look to the bright side of winter right? 

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