Sunday, August 21, 2016

First Trip To Alaska

Well Wonderful people of the world wide web I made my first trip to Alaska. I loved it minus I got horribly sick and well could not do anything I really wanted too. Thank goodness I have such a wonderful Husband who took care of me the whole weekend.  Yes I know he has caring bones in his body might be a shocker to a few of you . I couldn't talk most of the weekend so I either had to type it up on my phone or austin just knew what I wanted because he just understands Erin faces haha. However it was so beautiful flying in and well  when I got there I was like wow this pretty much just like the Black Hills but bigger and possibly better. The weather is like spring and fall in South Dakota. It rained most of the time and it was cooler. which I don’t mind I know that it can get hot but it was wonderful. I didn’t get to see much wild life this trip other then giant crows and almost as large misquotes. Austin wasn’t joking when he said both were crazy huge. We did drive around Fairbanks and Post so I could learn what was around for places to go, food,shopping and get a basic lay out of everything before I move up here. My last day I was finally feeling better so we go out and walked around a few places. Of course I had to be a tourist a little bit since I have never really left the midwest minus Florida. We went to Pioneer Park which is really awesome. They took a hole bunch of old cabins from different places or restored them and painted them fun colors. They also had cute little shops and museums in them as well. I will before to explore it more when I don’t have to get to the airport the same day. We also stopped at Pike’s Peak Where I saw a giant sign that Says Love Alaska so I had to to take a picture of course. Fairbanks for only having 30,000 people is pretty spread out and has a lot more then I thought compared to places in South Dakota that roughly have the same amount of people.  Post Is also way bigger then I thought it would be however I am told it is pretty small. It is crazy beautiful and there is so many things to do. They have ski and snowboarding slopes,bowling,gyms,shooting ranges,archery, a few different lakes, places to eat. So you could say I am getting excited to move up there. 

It was a quick trip but a great one. I really needed to see Austin it was really good for my sanity.  It was also a pretty good experience to travel by myself too. I was so scared to fly alone for the first time. All my flights to Alaska people were so nice and help. I made friends along the way and they made sure I was feeling ok or helped me figure out where I was going next and how to find a new plane after I missed mine. One person I will be seeing again once I finally get to Alaska is another Army wife on the same post as me. We both missed our flights from Seattle to Fairbanks so we stuck together the rest of the way once we got out flights figured out and we even got to sit together. It is a great feeling knowing someone on base all ready. It made things much easier the last part of my flight.  It was also awesome to meet some of Austin’s friends who will have a rude awaking when I get there and I can actually talk because I will be able to fire right back at them.

Once again I want to give a shout out to my mom for getting me tickets to see Austin! It was the best even if I was supper sick the whole time!!! Hopefully my trip home today will go smoothly.

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