Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Puppy crazy, but older dogs need homes too.

Hello Wonderful Humans,

        Many people know that I am pretty puppy and dog crazy. My family calls me the dog whisper because I make friends with any dog I have ever met since I was toddler. Doesn't matter the size, or kind of dog I love them all. At my dad's house I have two dogs Kiwi and Whopper who I love to pieces and take them every where with me when I am home. At the in-laws They have 3 derpy dogs who I love Micah, Zeke and Roy. However now that I am married Austin and I have been thinking about getting a puppy or a dog. I was really set on getting a tiny puppy to train and raise. I have now reconsider this a few times now. My wonderful mother In Law Brenda works for the Western Hills Humane Society and well I have had few conversation about adopting puppies with her. I know one I need a place to live for a while before getting a new dog. Since brining a dog into a house that isn’t ready or set up for them can be a challenge. We need to be settled and take one kind of change at a time. Also puppies are like having a brand new baby who wake you up, needs attention all the time and training.  While I have been staying in Belle Fourche we have been fostering a puppy from the shelter who we have called a millions names. He is a Lab Mastiff mix so he is going to be a big boy. I fell in love him pretty much the second I met him. However I did learn what it is like to have a tiny little puppy again which can be exhausting. Cleaning up after the piddle pup all the time. Trying to get him outside before he pees everywhere. Playing with him so he doesn’t chew up everything. We would try to take him on walks he would do pretty good for a while, then he would just flop over and fall asleep so I carried the 11 pound puppy  till he was ready to walk again, then pick him back up when he was tired. So you could say I was pretty tired by the end of the time we had him I don’t know how Brenda did it she would wake up at night to let him out and wake up early to take him out. 

So I have been thinking many older dogs just get left in shelters and don’t get adopted because people don’t want to get a dog that would die soon, or they just aren’t as cute as puppies or younger dogs.  We all know that puppies are cute but they don’t stay little forever. Older dogs all ready have personalities, they are potty trained and most know some obedience all ready. There are so many perks of getting a older dog. You don’t have to wake up every few hours to let them go out. They are much more laid back but are always ready to go with you. Older dogs normally won’t rip your house up if you leave them home by there selves. They still will warn you if some one is at your door and keep you safe.  Old dogs might not be with you forever but you will be forever for them.So many older dogs get looked over and I have had a change in heart about getting a new puppy. I am getting a older dog because they need love too even if it isn’t for every long.  If you can give them a few good years rather then just having them pass away in a shelter you are changing there world. So if you are planing on getting a dog plan on adopting from shelter not a pet store and think about getting a older dog they will love you for it.

Kiwi and Whopper

He was way to tired to walk


I guess that is a comfy way to sleep

Roy, Izzy, Michah and Zeke

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