Thursday, August 25, 2016

Slightly Exctied For Winter

Hello Lovely People,
So I have been pretty sick for about the past week. Yesterday my mom got me out of the house and I did a little shopping. Now all the cloths have gone from summer fun to fall and winter cute and comfy.  I mean I bought a cute vest for when the weather changes. Which hit me I am moving to a winter wonderland soon. I might not love winter for it is cold weather, freezing winds against my face, ice I tend to break limbs on and well it being dark all the time. However I love fall and winter cloths. It is my favorite time of year for clothing. I love wearing cute vets, tall boots,leggings ,giant sweaters and, hats. Plus I mean I love making snow men, snow angels, hot coco and playing board games by the fire. So I guess this is one plus side to moving to the far north. I am looking froward to a new winter wardrobe and some winter weather. I know school is just starting and it is still warm out but I am so ready for fall and winter. I have to look to the bright side of winter right? 

Sunday, August 21, 2016

First Trip To Alaska

Well Wonderful people of the world wide web I made my first trip to Alaska. I loved it minus I got horribly sick and well could not do anything I really wanted too. Thank goodness I have such a wonderful Husband who took care of me the whole weekend.  Yes I know he has caring bones in his body might be a shocker to a few of you . I couldn't talk most of the weekend so I either had to type it up on my phone or austin just knew what I wanted because he just understands Erin faces haha. However it was so beautiful flying in and well  when I got there I was like wow this pretty much just like the Black Hills but bigger and possibly better. The weather is like spring and fall in South Dakota. It rained most of the time and it was cooler. which I don’t mind I know that it can get hot but it was wonderful. I didn’t get to see much wild life this trip other then giant crows and almost as large misquotes. Austin wasn’t joking when he said both were crazy huge. We did drive around Fairbanks and Post so I could learn what was around for places to go, food,shopping and get a basic lay out of everything before I move up here. My last day I was finally feeling better so we go out and walked around a few places. Of course I had to be a tourist a little bit since I have never really left the midwest minus Florida. We went to Pioneer Park which is really awesome. They took a hole bunch of old cabins from different places or restored them and painted them fun colors. They also had cute little shops and museums in them as well. I will before to explore it more when I don’t have to get to the airport the same day. We also stopped at Pike’s Peak Where I saw a giant sign that Says Love Alaska so I had to to take a picture of course. Fairbanks for only having 30,000 people is pretty spread out and has a lot more then I thought compared to places in South Dakota that roughly have the same amount of people.  Post Is also way bigger then I thought it would be however I am told it is pretty small. It is crazy beautiful and there is so many things to do. They have ski and snowboarding slopes,bowling,gyms,shooting ranges,archery, a few different lakes, places to eat. So you could say I am getting excited to move up there. 

It was a quick trip but a great one. I really needed to see Austin it was really good for my sanity.  It was also a pretty good experience to travel by myself too. I was so scared to fly alone for the first time. All my flights to Alaska people were so nice and help. I made friends along the way and they made sure I was feeling ok or helped me figure out where I was going next and how to find a new plane after I missed mine. One person I will be seeing again once I finally get to Alaska is another Army wife on the same post as me. We both missed our flights from Seattle to Fairbanks so we stuck together the rest of the way once we got out flights figured out and we even got to sit together. It is a great feeling knowing someone on base all ready. It made things much easier the last part of my flight.  It was also awesome to meet some of Austin’s friends who will have a rude awaking when I get there and I can actually talk because I will be able to fire right back at them.

Once again I want to give a shout out to my mom for getting me tickets to see Austin! It was the best even if I was supper sick the whole time!!! Hopefully my trip home today will go smoothly.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Puppy crazy, but older dogs need homes too.

Hello Wonderful Humans,

        Many people know that I am pretty puppy and dog crazy. My family calls me the dog whisper because I make friends with any dog I have ever met since I was toddler. Doesn't matter the size, or kind of dog I love them all. At my dad's house I have two dogs Kiwi and Whopper who I love to pieces and take them every where with me when I am home. At the in-laws They have 3 derpy dogs who I love Micah, Zeke and Roy. However now that I am married Austin and I have been thinking about getting a puppy or a dog. I was really set on getting a tiny puppy to train and raise. I have now reconsider this a few times now. My wonderful mother In Law Brenda works for the Western Hills Humane Society and well I have had few conversation about adopting puppies with her. I know one I need a place to live for a while before getting a new dog. Since brining a dog into a house that isn’t ready or set up for them can be a challenge. We need to be settled and take one kind of change at a time. Also puppies are like having a brand new baby who wake you up, needs attention all the time and training.  While I have been staying in Belle Fourche we have been fostering a puppy from the shelter who we have called a millions names. He is a Lab Mastiff mix so he is going to be a big boy. I fell in love him pretty much the second I met him. However I did learn what it is like to have a tiny little puppy again which can be exhausting. Cleaning up after the piddle pup all the time. Trying to get him outside before he pees everywhere. Playing with him so he doesn’t chew up everything. We would try to take him on walks he would do pretty good for a while, then he would just flop over and fall asleep so I carried the 11 pound puppy  till he was ready to walk again, then pick him back up when he was tired. So you could say I was pretty tired by the end of the time we had him I don’t know how Brenda did it she would wake up at night to let him out and wake up early to take him out. 

So I have been thinking many older dogs just get left in shelters and don’t get adopted because people don’t want to get a dog that would die soon, or they just aren’t as cute as puppies or younger dogs.  We all know that puppies are cute but they don’t stay little forever. Older dogs all ready have personalities, they are potty trained and most know some obedience all ready. There are so many perks of getting a older dog. You don’t have to wake up every few hours to let them go out. They are much more laid back but are always ready to go with you. Older dogs normally won’t rip your house up if you leave them home by there selves. They still will warn you if some one is at your door and keep you safe.  Old dogs might not be with you forever but you will be forever for them.So many older dogs get looked over and I have had a change in heart about getting a new puppy. I am getting a older dog because they need love too even if it isn’t for every long.  If you can give them a few good years rather then just having them pass away in a shelter you are changing there world. So if you are planing on getting a dog plan on adopting from shelter not a pet store and think about getting a older dog they will love you for it.

Kiwi and Whopper

He was way to tired to walk


I guess that is a comfy way to sleep

Roy, Izzy, Michah and Zeke

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Being alone can be ok.

Hey Everyone,

    I guess I have been writing lot of blogs this week it is kinda nuts. Posting two in one day hopefully is all right. I have been typing them up and publishing them when I have internet and time.  Well I have come to realize I am getting better at doing things by myself. I used to hate doing anything by myself, grocery shopping, eating somewhere, going cloths shopping, going to public places in general. Recently I have been doing more things with out other people and I feel pretty good about it. I still get anxiety a little bit not having a buddy but it is good to learn to be all right being alone. I feel like I am staring to understand myself more and getting to know myself again. My head has been cloudy this past year and I feel like I am growing and the sun is coming out again.
    This week I went to Reptile Gardens without anyone which was strange since I usually have someone from work come with me. So I went and I took pictures and it was really strange I had time to stop and enjoy the reptiles and animals. I wasn’t on anyone's schedule and could just relax. I went to a few of the shows and before the Gator wrestling show my mom called me. We talked for a few minutes about my day. I told her I was at Reptile Gardens by myself and she was like that's great that you are learning to do things by yourself. I guess I never realized that I was adjusting to it until we talked about it.  It is a crazy thing when you start understanding the things that cause you anxiety and you can slowly learn how to deal with them. I know that my anxiety about things will never  go away however learning to deal with it and growing.

Sisters:Built In Best Friends

Hello Everyone,
    So I had the pleasure of working with my sister while she was out here at Storm for a few weeks. At work we didn’t get along so hot all the time. However after work we were fine. We went on so many adventures even if they were little. Now that she is gone I am missing my built in best friend to go hang out and do things with. I mean I can go do stuff by myself but it is always better to have a buddy to go with. We did some of our favorite things from when we used to live here like going to Keystone for taffy, Chubby chipmunk, Armidillos for ice cream, driving the long way  to get places because it was prettier view. We also tried to go horse back riding but got rained out so hopefully next we have the chance we can. So now I sit here wishing I had someone to go hang with I realize  I am pretty lucky to have a wonderful sister.  Even though after she was two weeks old I asked my mom if we could take her back.  We have had our growing pains like most siblings but she has helped me get through so many things. Now
she is back to college and I am so proud of all the things she is doing!! 

Love you Jess!

Monday, August 1, 2016

This New Army Wife Thing.

Hello wonderful people,

    So I am most likely the worst blogger on the planet since I rarely do it, however now  I have some time on my hands again I can get some done I suppose. As many people know I am moving to Alaska at some point ( at least I hope so). Austin has been there with out me living on base and doing his field training. Which has been pretty rough on both of us.  It is a weird feeling thinking I could leave to go up there in two weeks or so , but I am not holding my breath but I have been say good bye for the last 3 months. Since they seem to love to mess my paper work up and not put me on his orders ( I might be getting a little mad about that). In this long transition period I have been traveling around seeing all my friends and spending time with my families. Which was working pretty good to keep my mind off Austin being away. Now it is getting pretty bad again so I am trying to deal with all of this and keep my head up.  I know I need to be positive and think that things are all great,but they aren’t and I quit thinking positive about it. I would rather be ready for the worst and be surprised that things actually are going as planned. I know I am a little backwards in thinking I just need to do it so I don’t get my hopes up.
    I also have been reading other Amy wives blogs to see if I can get answers or some kind of help….. turns out I am NOT  A STEREOTYPICAL  ARMY WIFE.   For reference  A typical Army wife is also married to the Army, Loves the army, runs all the events on base or attends all of them, can be slightly gossipy, and some think the rank of the spouse is also there rank so they think they can rule over the rest of the spouses. Which none of that applies to me!!!!!  I mean not all of them are like that .  I like hanging with the boys anyways. I really only have a few girl friends that I can stand. Most women drive me nuts.
    I get asked a lot why I married Austin if I am not so in love with the Army. Truth is folks I married him because I love him and he is my best friend. I support him in what ever he does.  I don’t have to love it I just have to be ok with it. Honestly the Army has been his dream since I first met him. I know he is not the kind of guy that would just sit around in a desk , or do manual labor for the rest of his life. That is just not who he is at all.
    So I have came up with a acronym for myself  with the help of my fantastic mother in law Brenda . NSTAW ( Non-Stereotypical Army Wife). So apparently I need to find a friend when I get there like me because Brenda says I can’t just have  four legged friends. So I think I might just place an add some where when I get there and I think it will go something like this:

    Army wife 21  searching other Army spouse  who is a NSTAW who loves dogs, wine, adventures, being one of the guys, who doesn’t gossip and is a tom barbie.

    Hopefully I will find a friend who is like me or I am just getting a bunch of dogs because they are pretty much what I look for in a human friend minus the wine part. Plus I will actually be able to talk to Austin and hang out with him when he is off work so maybe just dogs and Austin will be all right.

Also I never really know how to end a blog so hope you guys have a great day!

Higgins/Hendricks Mgee