Friday, December 9, 2016

I Will Always Be a South Dakota Girl

Now that I have been up in this winter wonderland and escaped my cabin I have made friends here and there. Well I tend to try and be a very helpful, and kind person. I do what I can to make other peoples lives better.  I have had many people ask me where I am from. I always say South Dakota with a big smile. (Apparently I also have an accent when I say it and a few other words haha.) They are always saying  I need to meet more people from South Dakota you are so nice.  I also get asked why people there are so and willing to go out of their way to help others. I explain that is just how everyone is. Everyone is willing to pitch in and help you if you needed it. Say you just had a baby and you can't cook for your family. At least 2 people will bring you a meal. We are hard workers and if we see a job that needs to get done we do it, or if someone needs help and they can't tackle it themselves we tend to jump in. It is just built into us the day we are born. I don't know why we are this way but it doesn't bother me one bit. 

I love being a girl from South Dakota! No matter where I go in this world that will always be my home!  I will still have my roots there in the land of hospitality,hard work, making a mean casserole,and generally being a nice person. South Dakota has raised me well.

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