Sunday, January 8, 2017

Koda the secret ninja.

So it was a normal day. My friend asked me to if I wanted to come pick up a mattress with her and hall it up her two flights of stairs. I was like why not I have been stuck at home for three days with nothing to do.  She said I could bring Koda over to play with her dog since he has also been couped up in our cabin. So we go get this mattress and struggle bussed getting it up the stairs.We decided we wanted to go get some shopping done and go out for dinner. Well we put her dog in his kennel and Koda in the bathroom with some toys and treats. Now Koda is known for jumping into my bathtub, climbing across the furniture, under furniture. Being a mountain goat you could say. Well we got home and I went to let the dogs out(who let the dogs out? Woof woof) .... Yes I let the dogs now that song will be stuck in your head.  I am really that mean. So I opened the door and, I looked at the mirror and there was tongue prints all over it,the soap bottle was leaking and the glass shelf was broken, and the hand towel was on the floor. I looked at Koda  and asked him how in the world he got up there without falling and why on earth he felt like making such a mess. I called my friend in and we both laughed about it. My dog is a secret ninja there is now doubt about it.

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