Thursday, December 8, 2016

Koda and Moving Day

Well hello world.
So yay all, well most of our house hold goods arrived. We are missing a few things so I'm going through the list and checking it twice. However Koda is having a hay day. So when the movers showed up he was extremely excited to meet new people! However we couldn't keep him out so we put him in the bathroom. Them he wouldn't stop barking. So I went and sat with him which worked out since there really wasn't room for me anyway. So after the movers left Austin and I started unpacking things and let Koda out. Well we decided about 5 mins in  that he is also part cat and mountain goat. I should have gotten a picture but he was everywhere and in everything. He was in boxes, jumping from furniture to furniture since they were all stuck so close together. He was sniffing everything since it smells like my dogs from back home.  Climbing in-between things carrying paper around. It was pretty funny. So we left to help a few friends out and we needed a break. So we brought Koda with us. When we came home he played around a bit as Austin and I unpacked the last few boxes.  Well we hadn't heard him running around at all. Normally when your puppy is quite he is up to no good or sleeping like most toddlers do. Well we called his name and threw his toys around. No Koda any where. Well he loves to play hide and sleep. Well now that he has more places to play his favorite game it gets a little tricky to find him. So we looked and looked he was under a coffee table with boxes all around it with  a gap just big enough for him to fit through. He is one silly dog!
I guess I should get back to moving things around and organizing. Have a good day!

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