Monday, November 7, 2016

Lazy days with Koda in a winter wonderland

Well hello!
So I am having a lazy day with my 8 week old puppy Koda which I didn't expect from him. He is the most chill puppy I have ever met. Hopefully that he stays like that or else I am in for some trouble as he gets bigger.  So I have been in the winter land of North Pole Alaska for a whole week as of today. It has been interesting to say the least. I dont have anything in my house other then a Xbox t.v and a bed, so at least potty training goes pretty well. Austin works during the day but comes home after P.T and for lunch. Most of the day I'm by myself since I don't have a car and going to learn to drive his. He has a stick shift so pray for him teaching me and we all know my driving record but I don't have a garage to crash into this time. So most days I go for a walk afternoon, I get all bundled up and explore my neck of the woods. Well now that we have Koda and it has been really really cold he doesn't like being out to long so walks are out of the question. However he does really well on the leash. I think we might need to get him a sweater and some snow dog shoes. I know putting a dog in a sweater is silly but he is a baby and doesn't have think fur yet. Also potty training in winter is slight ridiculous. We did try looking for older dogs. Most were sled dogs and if they got out we see them again and we live by a busy road or the dogs wouldn't work for military standards so we got a puppy. He is lucky he is cute the hole waking up in the morning at 5 am thing is not  my favorite but he naps with me later in the morning so it isn't so bad haha. Well I am babbling. Alaska is beautiful it snowed a little so the trees are look amazing. No worries more pictures will be up soon. :)! 

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