Saturday, November 26, 2016

Koda logic #3!

So Koda is too stinking smart. Well most mornings if he needs to go #2 he barks at the door. If he needs to go #1 he will sit at the door and wait. Well this morning Koda was barking at the toilet. So Austin picked him up and was like umm Koda this is a toilet you don't use it. I was like well maybe he is thirsty? We checked his water bowl but it was full and he went and barked and tried to get on the toilet. Well Austin was like ok maybe he needs to go out side since he barking like he needs too. He took him out and he went potty.
Koda had connected that we use the toilet to go potty so he could use it or bark at it so we would take him out. What a crazy smart dog we have.

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