Wednesday, October 19, 2016

I am out of here !

Well hello there,
So finally have some good news! I booked my ticket to go to Alaska! As of October 31st I am out of here :)!  Now some of  you might have some questions. No my paperwork didn't get processed. We are just not waiting another 3-4 months. We will be living off base for now till my paperwork is done. I am so excited to see what this journey will bring.  I am really happy that I will be with Austin again I have missed him so much! 5 months is way to long to be way from each other. I have been going stir crazy! I am also so scared but I am ready to go and I think everyone around me is ready too. They keep telling me to get out of here but they love me haha. It is a bitter sweet moment knowing that I get to leave. I have never lived outside of this wonderful state of South Dakota. Everything and everyone I know comes from this amazing place. It has been the best place to grow up. I will always have my roots here. So if you would like to see me before I go feel free to call or text or Facebook me!  Don't worry I'll be blogging and taking pictures all the time! If you want to be pen pals I am also down for that :)!  Thank you all for the postive thoughts, and prayers. 

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