Sunday, October 2, 2016

Finding the Good in Bad

Hello Everyone,
So we all have a time that kicks on our butts and we hit rock bottom. Being in South Dakota the last 4 months has been a blessing and a curse. It has been really hard on Austin and I being 3051.5 miles away and having a three hour time difference.  Honestly I don't know how we do it. However being here has been good for me. Well since I have still been here I have had multiple going away parties which is fun and all but I hate yanking my friends that way thinking I'm leaving bit never do. I have been able to see new babies I didn't think I was gonna be able to see. Hang out with my kids and there families a few more times. I also have been blessed to travel to Florida and see my family and my grandma. There has been lots of hurting but also lots of joy. I have been really struggling lately and things get lonely. I know I have my family and friends but sometimes I get stuck in my head. I love taking pictures so I can remember things and people's faces or a time I was growing as a person. So when my head is in a place that isn't so fun o go for a long walk with my dogs, listen to my music and find things to help me see the good in the world even if I think it is falling  apart.  Sometimes it hard though my head takes over and everything gets cloudy and my anxiety takes over and I can't help but just sit and wonder what if this were different. Anxiety is hard to deal with and I try not to let it take over my lonely soul. It is a learning process. I try to control everything but I can't. So as I sit in South Dakota waiting since the military is a hurry up and wait kind of business I am going to find the good and hope I get good news this week. If not I am going to be taking lots of pictures this week and if I get good news  I will be taking pictures too. Plus when I  get there I will take lots of pictures for good reasons and not so good. Because leaving this place and all the people who have made a impact on my life is going to be really rough on me.

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