Saturday, November 26, 2016

Koda logic #3!

So Koda is too stinking smart. Well most mornings if he needs to go #2 he barks at the door. If he needs to go #1 he will sit at the door and wait. Well this morning Koda was barking at the toilet. So Austin picked him up and was like umm Koda this is a toilet you don't use it. I was like well maybe he is thirsty? We checked his water bowl but it was full and he went and barked and tried to get on the toilet. Well Austin was like ok maybe he needs to go out side since he barking like he needs too. He took him out and he went potty.
Koda had connected that we use the toilet to go potty so he could use it or bark at it so we would take him out. What a crazy smart dog we have.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Koda logic #2

Koda Logic for the day : So we have had Koda two weeks today. This silly dog has been wanting to get in the bathtub all the time. He will whine till I put him in. He wasn't able to have a bath till he got  his shots today. He has been so itchy and smelled so I was like oh he must really want a bath. Well today after shots we came home and gave him a bath. Koda who loves the bathtub hates baths.... Thanks goodness he is so small so he won't jump out!

We have also learned that Koda is a hoarder. Austin had his gear out for packing for his field training trip. He was cleaning it up and he found a whole bunch of toys and bones hidden under his cloths and bags.

Oh Koda you silly dog.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

When your dog is choking and you have to be a super dog mom.

So last night after we ventured to PetCo with Koda we came home and started setting his kennel up and making dinner.  Austin was cooking and I was doing kennel stuff. Koda was eating his food normally he doesn't eat very fast. Well he starts coughing and gagging and wouldn't stop then he was having issues breathing. I was like Austin Koda is choking!!!! He was like I don't know what to do! Well I had seen a few things on Dog CPR and what to do if they are choking! Plus working with a million children I have had CPR and First aid every year forever! So first I patted his back hard. The wasn't working so I  stuck my fingers down his throat to get the foreign object out and he coughed it  up just like the teach you to do with babies. Austin just looked at me like how in the world did you know how to do that?!  Many people don't think about there pets choking and needing help but on bigger dogs you can use the Heimlich and on smaller dogs. Since Koda is so little I didn't want to break him. If you want to know how to save your dog from choking here is what to do if your dog is   choking for dummies! Gotta keep your fur babies safe! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Koda Logic post #1

Koda Logic for today : It is a lovely 16 degrees outside today.  Koda went for a longer walk then yesterday, and the day before when it was beautiful 26 degrees. He was shivering and whining when we got to the house yesterday.
Koda also loves car rides but if one passes on the road while we are walking he dives into a snow pile to hide. 
Oh the joys of being a dog mom. He is way to cute not love him !
Side note it has been 3 days since we have had any potty accidents in the house all I can say is that is a win! Yes small victories make me happy.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Lazy days with Koda in a winter wonderland

Well hello!
So I am having a lazy day with my 8 week old puppy Koda which I didn't expect from him. He is the most chill puppy I have ever met. Hopefully that he stays like that or else I am in for some trouble as he gets bigger.  So I have been in the winter land of North Pole Alaska for a whole week as of today. It has been interesting to say the least. I dont have anything in my house other then a Xbox t.v and a bed, so at least potty training goes pretty well. Austin works during the day but comes home after P.T and for lunch. Most of the day I'm by myself since I don't have a car and going to learn to drive his. He has a stick shift so pray for him teaching me and we all know my driving record but I don't have a garage to crash into this time. So most days I go for a walk afternoon, I get all bundled up and explore my neck of the woods. Well now that we have Koda and it has been really really cold he doesn't like being out to long so walks are out of the question. However he does really well on the leash. I think we might need to get him a sweater and some snow dog shoes. I know putting a dog in a sweater is silly but he is a baby and doesn't have think fur yet. Also potty training in winter is slight ridiculous. We did try looking for older dogs. Most were sled dogs and if they got out we see them again and we live by a busy road or the dogs wouldn't work for military standards so we got a puppy. He is lucky he is cute the hole waking up in the morning at 5 am thing is not  my favorite but he naps with me later in the morning so it isn't so bad haha. Well I am babbling. Alaska is beautiful it snowed a little so the trees are look amazing. No worries more pictures will be up soon. :)!