Wednesday, October 19, 2016

I am out of here !

Well hello there,
So finally have some good news! I booked my ticket to go to Alaska! As of October 31st I am out of here :)!  Now some of  you might have some questions. No my paperwork didn't get processed. We are just not waiting another 3-4 months. We will be living off base for now till my paperwork is done. I am so excited to see what this journey will bring.  I am really happy that I will be with Austin again I have missed him so much! 5 months is way to long to be way from each other. I have been going stir crazy! I am also so scared but I am ready to go and I think everyone around me is ready too. They keep telling me to get out of here but they love me haha. It is a bitter sweet moment knowing that I get to leave. I have never lived outside of this wonderful state of South Dakota. Everything and everyone I know comes from this amazing place. It has been the best place to grow up. I will always have my roots here. So if you would like to see me before I go feel free to call or text or Facebook me!  Don't worry I'll be blogging and taking pictures all the time! If you want to be pen pals I am also down for that :)!  Thank you all for the postive thoughts, and prayers. 

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Travel Bug

Hello people who are cool enough to read my blog!
So apparently I have been bit by the traveling bug this year! I have made a few trips around South Dakota driving. However I have also traveled to Florida twice now and soon to be Alaska twice o sure hope. By the time I am done traveling and moving I have figured I have flown roughly 20 thousand miles. Which is insane I haven't been on a plane that much in my hole life. My latest adventure was back to Florida we went to see my grandma and she was doing so much better then the last time I saw her. We played UNO and talked more so that was nice. Last time I was in Florida she was still very sick . After we spent some time in Jacksonville we went to Saint Augustine and took a trolley and learned the rich history of the area. It was really beautiful! They had been hit my hurricane Matthew pretty hard. Many people were cleaning up the aftermath. The houses on the seafront had been flooded . Most of the stops still were not open yet. After that we traveled back to Orlando. That night we saw Cirque du Soleil. Man that was a amazing show. It was mind blowing the things they can do. If you get the chance you really should see one of their shows.  The next day we split up Jessica and mom went to Universal to Harry Potter. Luke, my Aunt Julie, and I went to discovery cove. I didn't get out of the water much. It was incredible. They had a reef with over 40 fish and sting rays that were way bigger then  me. It was fun snorkeling minus inhaling water. Luke was so excited too. He has been taking snorkeling lessons so it made him more excited to go on his trip somewhere tropical sometime. I can't even describe how magical it was to swim with the fish! It is something I would love to do in a heartbeat. Hopefully next time we are able to spend time dolphins also. After  that we went to sea world for a show and saw the Killer Whales. They are so huge! I hope I can see them while I am in Alaska on a Cruise!  Overall it was a quick but fun trip! I am so tired. I need a vacation from my vacation!

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Finding the Good in Bad

Hello Everyone,
So we all have a time that kicks on our butts and we hit rock bottom. Being in South Dakota the last 4 months has been a blessing and a curse. It has been really hard on Austin and I being 3051.5 miles away and having a three hour time difference.  Honestly I don't know how we do it. However being here has been good for me. Well since I have still been here I have had multiple going away parties which is fun and all but I hate yanking my friends that way thinking I'm leaving bit never do. I have been able to see new babies I didn't think I was gonna be able to see. Hang out with my kids and there families a few more times. I also have been blessed to travel to Florida and see my family and my grandma. There has been lots of hurting but also lots of joy. I have been really struggling lately and things get lonely. I know I have my family and friends but sometimes I get stuck in my head. I love taking pictures so I can remember things and people's faces or a time I was growing as a person. So when my head is in a place that isn't so fun o go for a long walk with my dogs, listen to my music and find things to help me see the good in the world even if I think it is falling  apart.  Sometimes it hard though my head takes over and everything gets cloudy and my anxiety takes over and I can't help but just sit and wonder what if this were different. Anxiety is hard to deal with and I try not to let it take over my lonely soul. It is a learning process. I try to control everything but I can't. So as I sit in South Dakota waiting since the military is a hurry up and wait kind of business I am going to find the good and hope I get good news this week. If not I am going to be taking lots of pictures this week and if I get good news  I will be taking pictures too. Plus when I  get there I will take lots of pictures for good reasons and not so good. Because leaving this place and all the people who have made a impact on my life is going to be really rough on me.