Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Hiking Storm

Hello world,
Sorry I haven't been up to date with this blogging thing. I have been very busy working and having a bit of fun here and there . So one of great things I have done this summer was I climbed Storm Mountain all by myself. It was pretty strange going hiking by myself and making sure I was on the right trail. I wasn't racing to the top with a million other campers like have done in the past. I took my time to look around and take pictures and just breath in the fresh air. The only thing that made me nervous was when I had to rock climb with my back pack pulling me the other way. I got scared in a few parts but I also have been rock climbing before so I knew a few things to help me not freak out. Always have three points of contact with the rocks you are climbing. Plus I really  wanted to make it so I pushed my self. When I made it up to the top  it was a big relief and amazing feeling of accomplishment. I just chilled up at the top and looked around took some pictures and just took some time to myself to think. I also had a few turkey vultures who were circling me while I was up there which was cool but also made me a little nervous that I was going to be there lunch. It really was confidence booster for me to make it to the top and back down all by myself.  When I was coming back down  I also saw the most crazy thing,I was going to take a picture of this bee on a thistle plant and then all of a sudden a white spider jumped out and tried to grab it. Now for those of you who know me well I hate spiders with a burning passion. So for me taking pictures of this and not freaking out it was a miracle. So I captured it in a few pictures and ind it turned out pretty  awesome. I love capturing nature photos. Maybe one day I can do it for a living. I am so lucky to be living in this place, it is so beautiful and I am so glad I got to spend some time out here and enjoy it. It is crazy that it is my last few days up here. 

( If you don't like bugs, spiders don't  scroll and get a better look. However,it is cool and not that freaky.)

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