Thursday, June 11, 2015

The start of this crazy journey .

Hello all,
So I am not really sure how this blog thing works but I thought I might give it a crack.  To catch you all up to speed I am living in the wonderful Black Hills this summer. I am working at my favorite place on earth Storm Mountain Center. It has been a great few weeks all ready learning the ropes and getting to know my amazing co workers. The reason I am away from home summer is because I need to figure myself out and go on some fun adventures while I can. You really are only young once. I am not the kind of person who will just jump out of my comfort zone and do things I am not used too. People often find this very odd because I am such a go getter and a super bubbly person . Any ways this summer is about getting out of my bubble and meeting people, trying things, and in the end being the person I truly want to be. I know that it won't be easy but I am gonna try my best.  So far my journey has been fun and wonderful I have made some amazing friends and reconnected with some old friends. I have tried things I never thought I would. Like I ate sushi which I thought I was going to hate because I hate fish turns out I love it. I also have gone to a cave, went down a zip line and killed cowboy robots at Rushmore Cave.  I also have gone to Keystone,Hill City, Rapid City , Belle Fourche and Spearfish. I have been all over . I am loving having this freedom to go places and do things. It is also kinda weird to be away from my family and my significant other. However I need to challenge myself and be me with out them. I will grow as time goes on but I know they aren't going any where. Plus I have a wonderful support system here. I have my camp family, my significant others family and many friends in the Hills I am hoping to visit through out the summer. I am so excited to see where this summer takes me and all the wonderful memories that will happen. Plus I can't wait to start my photography shoots. No worries I will be uploading the beauty of the Hills for everyone.
Talk to you all soon


  1. Good for you! Empowering yourself is the greatest thrill you can get. Best thing I ever did was travel the country, meet new and different people and learn about myself. Find YOU before you look for someone else.
    Love you! Amy

    1. Thanks Amy! Yeah it is a great and I am loving it!
