Saturday, June 27, 2015

Just want to say thank you.

So as you all know I am working at a church camp this summer. It is so much fun and so much work at times. I grew up going to camp and Storm  is special to my heart. However, I never knew all the things that went into running and keeping a camp up as a kid. I am so thankful for all the staff that took care of the camp and made it possible for me to grow and learn as a camper.  It is amazing to know that I can do that for campers as well.  Camp had always been one of my favorite things in the summer and I couldn't wait to meet all kinds of new people and grow with people who loved God as much as I did. I still get that chance as I am working. I love serving the campers and families that come through our doors. I am so blessed to have this beautiful place that changed my life so I can help change the lives of others. So once again thank you camp staff of the past, present, and future for making a difference in peoples lives.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

The start of this crazy journey .

Hello all,
So I am not really sure how this blog thing works but I thought I might give it a crack.  To catch you all up to speed I am living in the wonderful Black Hills this summer. I am working at my favorite place on earth Storm Mountain Center. It has been a great few weeks all ready learning the ropes and getting to know my amazing co workers. The reason I am away from home summer is because I need to figure myself out and go on some fun adventures while I can. You really are only young once. I am not the kind of person who will just jump out of my comfort zone and do things I am not used too. People often find this very odd because I am such a go getter and a super bubbly person . Any ways this summer is about getting out of my bubble and meeting people, trying things, and in the end being the person I truly want to be. I know that it won't be easy but I am gonna try my best.  So far my journey has been fun and wonderful I have made some amazing friends and reconnected with some old friends. I have tried things I never thought I would. Like I ate sushi which I thought I was going to hate because I hate fish turns out I love it. I also have gone to a cave, went down a zip line and killed cowboy robots at Rushmore Cave.  I also have gone to Keystone,Hill City, Rapid City , Belle Fourche and Spearfish. I have been all over . I am loving having this freedom to go places and do things. It is also kinda weird to be away from my family and my significant other. However I need to challenge myself and be me with out them. I will grow as time goes on but I know they aren't going any where. Plus I have a wonderful support system here. I have my camp family, my significant others family and many friends in the Hills I am hoping to visit through out the summer. I am so excited to see where this summer takes me and all the wonderful memories that will happen. Plus I can't wait to start my photography shoots. No worries I will be uploading the beauty of the Hills for everyone.
Talk to you all soon