Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while!

Hello blogging world it has been a hot minute since I have posted anything! However I'll be here more! Lots of things have been going on since the last time I posted about a year ago! I am now a mom to the cutest little boy but I might bias. I am almost done with my Vet Assistent school. I am working on my externship!! We adopted another dog named Bailey and she is a goof ball! I am still living in Alaska! I am Maskcara Beauty Artist so that has been really fun! I will be posting about each new thing in my life over the next few week! I am going to be doing some traveling the next few months! I am going to fly back to South Dakota and show off my new little guy to the family which will be great fun!! I hope you are all doing well! If you are interested to see what I have been up too  you can fallow me on Instagram  or if you want to join my Beauty group for Maskcara and learn more about that :