Monday, March 14, 2016

Hello World,
This is a fair warning some of this blog might make a few people upset but I really needed to get this out in the world.
So I haven't blogged much lately and I mean like at all. Well my life as usal has been a world wind and really I have had no where to turn but hide under a rock until I was really ready to come out and just deal with things.  I have lost people, got married, my parents, moving a few times, figuring out life.Now today I am finally happy and ready to move on with things. I am glad I have people in my life who know me and not the fake me. As many people know I grew up a church kid living in pastors kid world living in a fish bowl. Only far and few really know who I am. Yes I am part of that world but in reality I am my own hannah montana life. I honestly could never go on a date with out running into at least 5 people from church, I couldn't never relax and, be me with out worrying it would affect my church life or my families life. Well now that I am all grow up and I don't have to live in my fish bowl world any more moving far away from South Dakota and North Dakota I finally feel free. Not that I don't love it here and all the people who have helped me grow learn and have been my friends. It is just hard when people don't actully know you and  just your dad.  I mean yes I did meet Austin through church events, but I could be real with him from the day I met him. It is hard to deal and feel things when you are being watched all the time. Now I have a few friends whp get me and I am so greatful for it. It makes me realize it is ok to be me in my own skin. I also know so many fake it until they get home. What happens behind closed doors never makes it out in the open. People pretend all the time. I am glad I am finally in a wold where doors are open and people talk and share who they are and it isn't a puppet game.